Karol Gasiński
[Curriculum Vitae (CV)](./content/Karol_Gasinski_Curriculum_Vitae.pdf target="_blank") |
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*Content provided here does not represent position of my employer in any way.*
Hi there!
Little bit about me.
I've started to create computer games in the times when DOS was common operating system
and textmode based games were quite popular. Lack of good graphics pushed me then to
write my own graphic library – DosGL. But I still felt unsatissfied with boundaries
set to it by DOS. Therefore I gone further in pursuit for speed on my 386 and wrote
my own microkernel fully in assembly language. Goal at the time was to have thin OS
focused around and optimized for games running on old HW.
Today my specialization are graphic drivers. I’ve worked at Intel R&D for 7 years.
After that I’ve moved to California where I live today. More about my career you
will find on my LinkedIn profile, while here you will find much more details about
everything else that I worked on.
- [Lectures & Publications](./publications.html)
- [Patents](./patents.html)
- [Commercial games](./games.html)
Selected games:
- [WolfensteinVR](./games/2014_WolfensteinVR/2014_WolfensteinVR.html)
- [Catch'em Eggz!](./games/2012_Catch_em_eggz/2012_Catch_em_eggz.html)
- [Base Defender](./games/2012_Base_Defender/2012_Base_Defender.html)
- [Invaders Must Die!](./games/2011_Invaders_Must_Die/2011_Invaders_Must_Die.html)
- 2018/12/05 [Optimization of Work Stealing Dequeue for Weak Memory Models](./posts/2018_12_05_Optimization_of_Work_Stealing_Dequeue_for_Weak_Memory_Models/2018_12_05_Optimization_of_Work_Stealing_Dequeue_for_Weak_Memory_Models.html)
- 2018/01/15 [VR Workstation](./posts/2018_01_15_VR_Workstation/2018_01_15_VR_Workstation.html)
- 2016/10/29 [About Speed of Light in the Vaccum](./posts/2016_10_29_About_Speed_of_Light_in_the_Vaccum/2016_10_29_About_Speed_of_Light_in_the_Vaccum.html)
- 2015/09/01 [OpenGL Clip Planes explained](./posts/2015_09_01_OpenGL_Clip_Planes_explained.html)
- 2015/02/24 [Proposition of new cache prefetch hint _MM_HINT_WT](./posts/2015_02_24_Proposition_of_new_cache_prefetch_hint.html)